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Harm Reduction Service Locations across Canada

Additional Resources

British Columbia

Towards The Heart - Naloxone Distribution Sites, OPS Locations & Drug Checking Sites


Vancouver Coastal Health Dope Alert “If you'd like to hear about any drug contaminations, text "alert" to (236) 999-DOPE (3673).”


BC Centre for Disease Control Harm Reduction Reports

Residential Treatment and Supportive Recovery Services

First Nations Health Authority List of Treatment Programs

New Brunswick

Avenue B - Naloxone training, needle distribution in the Saint John region


Ensemble - Naloxone distribution, needle distribution & OPS in the Moncton region

Newfoundland and Labrador


Street Connections (mobile public health service in Winnipeg)

Manitoba Drug Alerts

Needle Drop Boxes in Manitoba (also includes naloxone kits, condoms and STI testing)

Nova Scotia

Coverdale: Support for women, girls and gender diverse people involved in the criminal justice system

POSSE: harm reduction training and peer outreach program for youth 

Northern Healthy Connections Society: Mobile outreach services, needle distribution and disposal​

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